Programme Structure

  • Length:

    4 weeks.

  • Duration:

    32 sessions, each lasting 2.5 hours.

  • Frequency:

    Delivered on a full-time basis (4 days per week).

  • Group Size:

    14-20 participants.

  • Staff:

    1 x onsite FI line manager; 1 x FM Family Support Worker; 2 x Programme Facilitator.

  • Delivery Mode:

    Quality assurance (train the trainer), co-delivery, and direct delivery models are available.

Key Elements

  • Two skilled facilitators
  • A Family Support Worker
  • Therapeutic group space
  • Accompanying FMFI workbook for all participants
  • Participant involvement in the What Next Day, Library session, and Engaging Schools session
  • An extended family visit and presentation to an invited audience
  • Alumni network available to participants who complete the programme


  • “I believe Man Up has been the best course I’ve done. It’s helped me build my confidence and show my emotions more”

    Participant at HMP Wandsworth.

  • “Honestly, this course has helped me in ways words can’t even describe”

    Participant at YOI Wetherby.

  • “I would strongly advise any man to embark on this journey”

    Participant at HMP Berwyn.

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