SIG Celebrates 10 Years
A Decade of Impact and Growth at Social Interest Group
Read moreA new Complex Needs Supported Accommodation Pathway in Havering offers low, medium and high support to people transitioning to accommodation from homelessness.
Delivered in partnership with Havering Council and other local providers, Havering provides supported accommodation, bespoke person-centred care and support, and intensive housing management services in the community for adults with specific accommodation and well-being support needs, including independent living skills, financial independence, safeguarding, volunteering and employability.
Comprising six sites, offering a purpose-built supported temporary housing scheme providing 25 self-contained flats and 23 shared accommodation units.
We work closely with other support service providers to help people transition from various accommodations or homelessness. Our goal is to shape and develop positive opportunities for them to move on and become active community members.
People in Havering with complex needs and multiple challenges, including rough sleeping or unstable accommodation, substance dependencies, mental health needs, social isolation, health and well-being concerns, difficulties managing tenancies, and histories with the criminal justice system or at risk of re-entering the system.
All referrals come through the London Borough of Havering Complex Needs Accommodation Panel (comprising of partners in Local Authority Housing, Adult Social Care, NELFT, Probation, Community Mental Health Teams, Hospitals, etc).