SIG Celebrates 10 Years
A Decade of Impact and Growth at Social Interest Group
Read moreSupported accommodation for individuals in Ealing dealing with substance use and homelessness.
Our services focus on stabilisation, recovery, and transition to independent living. We have two multi-bed sites providing supported housing and out-of-hours support for substance dependency, people in first-stage treatment, and people experiencing homelessness.
Churchfield offers supported housing for up to a year for people working towards abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Cherington specialises in helping people abstaining from drugs and alcohol who need additional support to reintegrate back into the community
Cherington is a 5-bed mixed-gender recovery hostel for people with medium support needs who have completed detox and abstain from drugs and alcohol and need help reintegrating back into the community. We focus on overcoming barriers for residents to access treatment services, including in-reach services, to enhance engagement and community-based treatment support. We work closely with the Ealing Substance Misuse Team (SMT) and Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Team (RSDAT), which are connected to Recovery Intervention Services Ealing (RISE).
Churchfield is a 24-hour, 12-bed mixed-gender high-support service offering temporary accommodation for people experiencing homelessness with drug or alcohol dependency and working towards abstinence. We offer individualised support focused on stabilisation and maintaining abstinence, living independently and life skills.
Services offered include:
Must be approved for local authority funding, Ealing for at least 5 years and be entitled to benefits. Cherington: Individuals must have completed a detox from substance and alcohol misuse prior to moving .
Services work closely with local treatment providers, RISE Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Team (RSDAT) and St Mungo’s Outreach.