
We have now published our fundraising page and have launched our first campaign and welcomed the first of our donors through the door. We are now well on our way to building our profile as a fundraising charity and ensuring that we raise the extra income needed to deliver the best we can for our clients and staff.

We’re asking you to shout about the great work we’re doing, share the page on your social media, encourage your friends to start training for a sponsored 10k, and get schools, churches and youth clubs to hold community fundraising events. For ideas on how to fundraise you can download or share our fundraising pack.

To kick start fundraising we are looking to raise an ambitious £10,000 to purchase welcome packs for Residents and Participants. It is so important that when people move into our accommodation, they receive the essential items they need to feel welcomed, secure and to start to settle into the next stage of their lives. If we can raise the full £10k we can provide 100 welcome packs over the next year. We would greatly appreciate your help in sharing this link If just 100 people manage to raise £100 in the next year, we will hit our target!

If you want to get in touch to ask us any questions, please email us