SIG Celebrates 10 Years
A Decade of Impact and Growth at Social Interest Group
Read moreAspinden is a unique 25-bed CQC-registered Care Home for treatment-resistant adults using alcohol. The service specialises in caring for people with complex physical and mental health support needs and alcohol dependency who often cannot access other care homes due to their alcohol use and associated behaviours.
Aspinden is a mixed-gender service whose national remit focuses on harm minimisation and reducing re-traumatisation, ensuring residents’ safety, and improving their physical and mental health. The focus is on stabilisation, creating a sense of identity and treating residents as individuals.
Over the past year, we’ve seen an increase in referrals, with more complex cases needing harm reduction. Highlighting the growing need for our vital service. Our approach focuses on reducing harm and providing positive interventions to improve the health and well-being of those who stay.
The heart and soul of Aspinden is providing high-quality care that helps residents understand their boundaries and how to set healthy ones while preserving their dignity, choice, privacy, and independence.
The service can provide bespoke social and health care packages tailored to the following needs:
The service’s non-clinical approaches provide meaningful activities to empower residents, reconnect them with the community and help manage emotions, health and well-being.
The staff at the facility are absolutely fantastic my ex husband has been there for some time now when he first arrived he was unkempt not able to do much himself I went to visit him today he is now able to self care and is looking more like his old self. The staff have worked so hard to get him back to how he was he’s up and walking around something I never thought I would see we are actually now able to arrange a day to see his beloved millwall. So a massive thanks to all the staff especially Pauline. Keep up the good work.
A harm minimisation approach is adopted, focusing on working with residents to manage their alcohol intake within agreed limits whilst encouraging and enabling a healthier lifestyle, improved diet, and self-care. Whilst the goal of abstinence is never a requirement, the Person-Centred Approach, alongside tools, including the Drug and Alcohol Star in key working, is successful in supporting many residents to achieve abstinence and successfully move on, whilst enabling others to reduce the harm caused by alcohol use and lifestyle choices.
We receive enquiries from local authorities, drug and alcohol services, and organisations located all over the UK. Once an enquiry comes in, we send information about our service with a referral form. Alternatively, you can complete our online referral form and email the rest of the documents via: enquiries.ach@equinoxcare.org.uk
1. Completed Referral Form 2. Care Plan 3. Risk Assessment 4. CPA Report (Care Programme Approach) if applicable 5. Medical reports related to other health conditions of concern 6. Contingency Plan
Arrival As a 24-hour service, we can admit after hours, but we recommend people arrive between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm for admission. Upon arrival, staff greet new residents warmly and take them to our Admission Room. Everyone is Covid tested and assessed, and clinical observations are recorded. We give new residents a tour of the facilities and building and shown them to their private rooms to settle in.
We provide a range of activities from days out to exercise classes, massage therapy and movie nights. We also offer additional 1-2-1 activities on request. Activities offer residents the opportunity to improve their general health and wellbeing. They also enhance many aspects of their personal lives by building self-esteem and confidence, reducing tension and anxiety, creating space for social interactions, and encouraging social skills, which help increase life satisfaction.
Our team of Personal Health and Wellbeing Practitioners come from all walks of life and backgrounds to provide the best care possible. Residents have a private room with towels, bedding and storage space. There are lounge areas, a communal kitchen, a TV room, a laundry room, and food is available 24 hours a day through an in-house chef team.
There is no time limit on a resident’s stay at Aspinden. However, we actively support moving residents on based on their needs as they progress during their stay with us.
Adults with alcohol use. Please note that we cannot place people with recent illicit drug use, on DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty) or diagnosed with medium to advanced Korsakoff or dementia.
Aspinden Care Home accepts referrals from across the UK. Please get in touch with the service directly at enquiries.ach@equinoxcare.org.uk
Aspinden operates according to the Five Ways to Well-being and provides a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) within a Harm Reduction approach to create a safe, healing environment focused on positive experiences and compassion.
Telephone : 02072370331
Email : enquiries.ach@equinoxcare.org.uk