Fundraising partnerships

If your organisation wants to create a better society, partner with us. We need sponsors and corporate partners now more than ever. Our health and social care services tackle some of the UK’s most prominent social challenges:


  • Homelessness
  • Substance use disorders
  • Social isolation
  • Crime
  • Mental health
  • Violence against women
  • Cost of living pressures



Donate through Just Giving, where you can give a one-off gift or set up regular giving.

Take part in a fundraising event

Sign up for a challenge event where we have a range of activities to choose from.

Fund a project

Donate directly to one of our community projects.

Organise your own fundraising

We have all the tools you need to host a fundraising event with your friends, family, school or work (virtually or otherwise).

Our projects

Whether it’s providing additional support for people in a moment of need, a pack of essential items to help recover from a period of homelessness or a training course to secure a job, your donation helps us go the extra mile in making people feel valued and cared for and changing their lives.

Donate to SIG

You can support us through a one-off donation, regular giving, individual fundraising activities and events, or donating to one of our fundraising campaigns. If you want to make a difference and transform the lives of the people we support, please get in touch.

Get in touch

1 Waterloo Gardens London N1 1TY