Pride Month

June was Pride Month, a month when the LGBTQIA+ community is celebrated. Whilst much of Pride is for celebratory purposes, the occasion also marks an important historic background, and can be used to educate. Many credit the Stonewall riots as an event that allowed the LGBTQIA+ community to possess as many rights as they do today.

Parades, parties, educational events, and other celebrations are held throughout the entirety of June. With many Pride events cancelled last year, in-person celebrations for 2021 might to be bigger although, social distancing is still expected. However, many events are spanning over the summer, including July and August, due to Coronavirus restrictions.

Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion ambassador representing gender identity & sexual orientation, Reuben Golden said: “I’m so happy to be acknowledging and celebrating the proud history of the LGBTQIA+ community with you all this month. The last few years have seen a heated ‘debate’ about trans identities, how they are viewed, recognised, and understood. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the work that many are doing towards us become truly Trans-inclusive as a service. I hope we can lead the way and inspire other organisations to enact more forthcoming policies around trans inclusivity alongside all gender identities. For me, Pride Month is a time to feel unified; connected in all our colours and complexities. Happy Pride Everyone!”

Pride events welcome allies from outside the LGBTQIA+ community. They are opportunities to show support, to observe, listen and be educated.

At SIG, we acknowledge and celebrate our staff and Service Users who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We continue to press forward with our efforts to have a truly inclusive workforce where everyone can thrive and grow.

Norman Alcide, Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion Programme Manager