About the Programmes

Safe Ground has a long, independently verified track record of delivering high-quality family interventions across the adult prison estate. Our flagship family relationships programmes, Family Man and Fathers Inside (FMFI), were the first in the UK.

Our arts-based methodology supports our participants to understand better the drivers of their criminal activity and its impact on family relationships. As well as positive, confident, and responsible parenting and partner behaviours, the men are supported to develop new, hopeful perspectives and coping mechanisms where reengagement with family members initially seems, or is, not possible.

A unique element of our FMFI programmes is the opportunity for participants to engage with support agencies and community organisations through the ‘What Next Day’ (WND). The WND represents participants and their family members first step towards shared goals and priorities during a sentence and post-release. 

Very often, FMFI represents the beginning of men’s sustained engagement in purposeful activity and meaningful reconnection. Both programmes culminate in a presentation and extended family visit.

Our data and evidence over the years demonstrate our impact, and our Justice Data Lab results for Fathers Inside (Dec 2016) are some of the best achieved (40% reduced reoffending rate).

Programme Structure

Length: 4 weeks

Duration: 32 sessions, each lasting 2.5 hours

Frequency: Delivered on a full-time basis (4 days per week)

Group Size: 14-20 participants

Staff: 1 x onsite FI line manager; 1 x FM Family Support Worker; 2 x Programme Facilitator

Delivery Mode: Quality assurance (train the trainer), co-delivery, and direct delivery models are available

Key Elements

  • Two skilled facilitators
  • A Family Support Worker
  • Therapeutic group space
  • Accompanying FMFI workbook for all participants
  • Participant involvement in the What Next Day, Library session, and Engaging Schools session
  • An extended family visit and presentation to an invited audience
  • Alumni network available to participants who complete the programme

Impact and Evidence

Fathers Inside demonstrates a statistically significant reduction in parental stress and a significant increase in less-restrictive attitudes towards parenting among its participants. (Blagden 2019)

The Ministry of Justice Data Lab: Re-offending analysis (2016) reports that in one year, the proven reoffending rate of participants in the Fathers Inside course was 24%. This compares to 40% for a matched control group of similar offenders.

View the Father Inside impact report



“Fathers Inside made me feel positive and accept where I am. I have learned that I can still make my daughter happy even though I am inside” – Participant at HMP Stocken.

“It has made me more aware of my responsibilities and how important my role as a father is in my child’s life” – Participant at HMP Stocken.

“I find myself being more optimistic about the time we spend together and doing the best I can from where I am.” –  Participant at HMP Parc.

“Doing this course has helped my confidence and reading skills; I’m reading more to my children, and I think it makes me closer to them”, Participant HMP Berwyn.

“You know when you look back in your life, and you have ‘moments’, well I know this course is going to be one of mine”, Participant, HMP Buckley Hall.

“Since Fathers Inside, I’m having better phone calls and writing better letters.” Participant, HMP Stocken

Get In Touch

Get in touch by email to speak to a member of our team safe.ground@socialinterestgroup.org.uk