Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

The 25th May marked a year since George Floyd was murdered in the United States, triggering worldwide condemnation and protests.

Naturally our thoughts were with George’s family & friends who can never truly be compensated for their personal loss.

However, George’s death has triggered important conversations and changes are starting to take place, including here at the Social Interest Group. We have had two webinars on the topic and recruited ambassadors across the organisation as well as me being installed as the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion programme lead.

Since the start of this calendar year the EDI ambassador cohort has expanded to 19 volunteers and we continue to increase membership so that there is enough representation throughout the group.

I can assure you that this group is populated by colleagues genuinely committed to celebrating & sharing best practice in addition to shaping positive organisational change.

Meaningful change can only be delivered quickly with total stakeholder buy-in, hence I would like to present an opportunity for staff to offer contributions to the E,D & I Strategy.

Please feel free to share thoughts with me via E-mail.

SIG is committed to driving Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, specifically in terms of creating inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.

Norman Alcide, Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion Programme Manager