Championing Green Social Prescribing with Roots Community Garden

On Tuesday SIG-Penrose Roots Community Garden hosted a Natural England Green Social Prescribing event, attended by social prescribers, Rachel Hopkins MP and Dr Robert Oakley. They joined some of our Roots staff team, service members and partner charities for informative talks and creative activities.

Everyone who attended experienced the benefits of our garden for improving mental and physical health, reducing isolation, fostering community cohesion and caring for the local environment.

We were pleased to raise awareness of the vital importance of the Roots Community Garden project and enable local social prescribers to refer people to join its unique community and receive the support they need from its fantastic team of trained staff. This support empowers people on their journey to happier, healthier lives; helping them to engage with other services and grow with us.

We are passionate about the therapeutic impact of the Roots Community Garden and believe every neighbourhood should have one. We hope the spotlight we received from community leaders, local radio and ITV will encourage more services to work with us in expanding Roots Community Gardens all over the country.

SIG Penrose Roots is featured on ITV News