Visit to Sikh Golden Temple

I remember the first time I visited to the Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar in Punjab India.  My mum took me of course! We went to visit my grandparents and family but made a huge point of ensuring we went to the Golden Temple which every Sikh endeavours to do once in their life.

We caught a bus from Jalandhar city which was an experience on its own. I never knew how many people could fit in a bus, not including those who were sitting on top of it!

The Golden Temple is the central place of worship for all Sikhs. It also provides a place of worship and shelter for everyone, irrespective of their faith. The Golden Temple is also known as the Guru ka Langar, a free meal in the community hall, that is served at the Gurdwara. The Golden Temple is known to have one of the biggest community kitchens in the world, serving thousands of people every day.

By virtue of Sikhism’s preaching, the Gurdwara has entry gates from all sides, signifying that everyone is welcome to visit it, regardless of caste, colour, creed, religion, or sex. There is no basis for discrimination, and everyone is treated equally.

Kenny Sehmi, Audit & Compliance Officer