The I AM MORE THAN is a project created by the women at SIG EQUINOX Brighton Women’s Service (BWS). Over the years this exhibition has included a wide range of media, such as photography, masks, poetry, and tapestry. This year, we created animated stories depicting health inequality for women experiencing homelessness. Please note that all opinions shared in these videos are unique to the individuals telling their stories.

Scroll down to watch the I AM MORE THAN entries this year.

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    Squiggle in the System

    Squiggle in the System is the story of a young woman who has experienced homelessness since she was a child, having gone through the care system. Squiggle has Autism and ADHD, which can sometimes make it difficult to manage systems by herself. In this animation, she talks about how difficult she finds visiting A&E, how frightened she becomes and how she feels like she is never listened to or heard.

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    Messed Up Big Head

    Messed Up Big Head tells the story of a young woman’s struggle to be listened to about her physical health due to her mental health diagnosis and the impact that this had on her.

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    Chameleon tells the story of a woman and shares her experiences of homelessness and its impact on her. Chameleon highlights the difficulty people face when accessing prescribed medication for health issues when any substance dependency is present.

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    Use-Less is a narrative reflecting a woman’s struggle with her mental health and the difficulties she has faced when asking for help and accessing mental health support. She touches on her substance use challenges and her experiences of homelessness. Use-Less reflects on how mental ill health has created a barrier to recovering her life.

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    The Invisible 

    The Invisible follows the story of a woman reflecting on how women are affected by homelessness and the lack of services available specifically for women. The story sheds light on how women frequently find themselves having to access support in places that are unsafe for them and how this creates barriers to receiving treatment for both their physical and mental health.

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