*Ben’s real name has been changed to protect his identity.

Wellbeing – Ben’s story

At SIG, we try to take care of Residents and Participants’ physical, mental and emotional needs. Our Supported Housing Accommodations are not just places for them to lay their heads, we also engage them with programmes and activities that support the whole person. Below is an account from one of our Services in Ealing.

Ben joined the service on in 2020, and from the start was motivated to make a positive change in both his physical and mental health. Despite having a history of complicated health conditions, he did not let this bring him down. Ben had been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and an Acoustic Neuroma (non-cancerous tumour) – which unfortunately led him to lose hearing in his left ear.

During the pandemic, Ben attended every Well-Being Workout. He was a regular attendee every time! This included doing full body workouts, including squats and resistance bands. He pushed himself to become stronger, and even took part in One-to-One personal training sessions weekly to further his progress.

Through hard work and dedication alongside staff, his balance improved greatly, along with his strength and he is now able to walk long distances without the use of a crutch or walking stick.

Ben is also a qualified architect, spending a lot of personal time working on projects. Most recently, he has undertaken private work for his family, which he takes great pride in.

He is essentially the ‘model’ resident, consistently presenting with no signs of relapse, behavioural issues or difficulty in engagement with staff and fellow residents.

Ben continues to make fantastic progress and has aspirations of learning to drive and moving out into his own flat. The staff are very proud of him.

Substance Supported Services in Ealing

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