Homelessness – Mack’s Story
Mack was referred to SIG Pathways to Independence service in Kent, after he had been rough sleeping for 6 weeks. Prior to that he had rented a private room in a shared house. Upon assessment, it was clear that Mack needed supported housing as he had rented privately in the past and was unable to manage this due to mental health difficulties, offending problems and alcohol and substance use.
We were able to offer him a place in one of our projects and 10 days after receiving the referral he was in the project.
Mack has done well and settled into supported housing quickly and has so far abided by the rules of the licence agreement. He is engaging regularly with Turning Point and his probation officer and has attended court for an outstanding matter which has now been adjourned. He asked for help and requested his keyworker to attend with him due to feeling very apprehensive about the court appearance.
Mack, although still struggling with his substance misuse, is continuing to engage with Turning point and is mostly open and frank about what is going on. The fact that he is living somewhere stable he has said, helps him to feel better able to cope with his substance use disorder and he doesn’t feel the need to use as often.
Multi agency working is also going well as other professionals working with him are able to pass messages on if Mack has not answered his phone. They discuss his progress and pass on any concerns in a safe and appropriate manner, taking GDPR into account.
Mack has been consistent with his medication for schizophrenia, personality disorder and depression and anxiety. He has the support around him to ensure he takes personal responsibility to better manage his mental health. He has been open and involved when completing risk assessments and staff now know what to look out for and how best to identify and manage risks.
Mack has said that he just wants to be more stable in all areas of his life and has worked well with his support worker to build a support plan. His main goal is to be able to manage a general needs flat by himself and he feels that this is achievable within the next 2 years.
Mack is one of the many street homeless who could have fallen through the cracks, had it not been for the availability of a room in our project and the cooperation of the agencies involved.
Everyone deserves a home!