SIG Annual Reports & Financial Statements

Trustees Annual Reports and Financial Statements

Social Interest Group

Year 2022-23  Social Interest Group 2022-23

Year 2021-22 Social Interest Group 2021-22

Year 2020-21 Social Interest Group 2020-21



SIG Equinox

Year 2022-23 SIG Equinox 2022-23

Year 2021-22 SIG Equinox 2021-22

Year 2020-21 SIG Equinox 2020-21

SIG Penrose

Year 2022-23 SIG Penrose 2022-23

Year 2021-22 SIG Penrose 2021-22

Year 2020-21 SIG Penrose 2020-21



SIG Pathways to Independence

Year 2022-23 SIG Pathways to Independence 2022-23

Year 2021-22 SIG Pathways to Independence 2021-22

Year 2020-21 SIG Pathways to Independence 2020-21



SIG Safe Ground

Year 2022-23 SIG Safe Ground 2022-23

Year 2021-22 SIG Safe Ground 2021-22

Year 2020-21 SIG Safe Ground 2020-21



SIG Housing Trust

Year 2022-23 SIG Housing Trust 2022-23

Year 2021-22 SIG Housing Trust 2021-22

Year 2020-21 SIG Housing Trust 2020-21



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