Roots to Recovery’s Christmas Celebration

Our SIG Penrose Roots to Recovery garden-based service held its Christmas party on Friday, 16th December, attended by forty members and volunteers.

The weather was not great, even though it had stopped snowing, so the freezing conditions and icy pavements kept some away. However, the members that made it had a great time. They danced and talked and ate great food. The Roots team as usual, pulled out all the stops with various activities to make the day special.

So, it’s the end of another fantastic year for the members, surrounded by amazing people and sharing the journey with many who have struggled for so long but have now found ‘their place’ and ‘their family’ with Roots.

If anyone would like to visit Roots to see if they can feel the magic that Roots creates, then please do so. You can contact the service through the service manager Samantha Smith.

Happy Holidays!