Highlighting Our Work – Interview with Mo

Our frontline staff are a crucial part of our business. Their interventions and interactions with Service Users is the foundation of all that we do. They are the true experts and are the ones who ensure our Service Users achieve the best outcomes. Below is an interview conducted with a Service User who is leaving our Farley Road service shortly. His candid and insightful remarks highlight the progress he has made whilst there.

Our thanks to the staff at Farley Road, who helped and inspired Mo.

Mo tells us about his journey

“At the end of the day, the most important thing for me has been my own growth and internal progression. It has been a journey of self-discovery. I feel like my growth here at Farley Road has been much greater than the growth I experienced in jail. I thought that the growth I was undertaking back in jail, at the hospital and other Approved Premises was massive. But that was just like getting a toolbox on how to deal with situations. After coming here, I feel like I have been given a platform upon which to practice with these tools. I would have never known that I was capable, that I could control myself and come out of it as a winner.”

Mo explained that when he first came back into the community, he did not see the positives of having rules and curfews in place. He saw them as restrictive and negative. Now, he appreciates the time he spent in the service has given him time to reflect on the reasons he wanted to go out, specifically past the curfew when most things were closed.

“it has changed my perspective to become more responsible for the things I can do.

“I used to be so worried about everyone else’s input and I gave my power to others by relying on staff and everyone else to change my life for me. This time, coming to Farley I had to realise that staff are not my family and that I am the only person in charge of what impacts me negatively and positively. And now, I always chose the positive, because I have the power to do so and I want to carry on where I am now”

Mo has recently spent a weekend away in Brighton. He says its moments like these where he realises how far he has come.

“Sometimes it’s hard for me to feel like I am progressing, but these situations are a reminder that I got myself to that place, and then I realise that I am moving forward.”

Mo would like to come back to Farley Road as a mentor for new residents who move in and bring encouragement for those who are just starting on their journey.

The most positive thing from the establishment has been the support from the staff.”

He said that it is particularly encouraging when he can see that the staff are having fun as well, it makes it so convivial in the house.

“You’re always trying to find your feet, and it’s always difficult trying to live around rules and curfews. So, when you see people go out of their way to really engage, socialise, and have fun themselves, it makes it so much easier. There is this shift that happens where instead of talking to staff, you feel like you are just talking to people.

“I hope that this energy stays throughout the years!

About activities

“Doing activities, like trips to Brighton, is really nice. A lot of the time, it’s easy to just do your own thing. But having structured time where everyone can join in creates a whole different energy, it is inclusive and fun!”

What advice would you give to Staff before leaving?

“For all staff, please don’t forget that not everyone functions on the same level. I am sure that everyone probably already knows this, but a lot of the time people don’t really understand the depth of what is going on inside of someone. It’s about knowing that each person is different and being able to empathise and react to each person individually. It’s like a football player, some react better in a line of defence, and some react better to defeat with a hug. My point is, always make an effort to get to know individuals on a personal level.

“There is always room for improvement, both for staff and Service Users, but I am positive that things are heading in the right direction. The Future is definitely bright for Farley Road.”

Mo says that he is, forever grateful to every single person he has encountered, because even in the bad situations it means that he has had to overcome things.

“I feel blessed that I had the strength and resilience to do so.”

Mo is currently part of the PIE Project Board and Service User Council. He also has his own YouTube channel and strives to inspire people throughout their own journeys; #MO #inspires.