Therapeutic Garden

When the Service Users at Farley Road were asked what they wanted to do with their outdoor space, their responses included, having an area for smoking and growing herb for cooking.

This was the starting point for the Farley Road therapeutic garden project.

A community garden designer was contacted, and she spoke about what creating a garden entailed and the five recommendations from the National Horticultural Society to achieve better wellbeing; staying connected, being active, taking notice or being mindful, learning and giving back.

The Farley Road garden project aims to achieve these 5 benchmarks and make it an active therapeutic garden designed for and made by Service Usesr and staff.

After careful planning, it was decided that the front garden would be tackled first. It was felt that it was the best way to introduce all – the community, Service Users, professionals and visitors – to the project.

Service Users designed six window boxes, and no sooner had they gone up, a passer-by made positive comments and complimented them on how nice they looked.

They have now started on the back garden, working at speed to ensure that plants are in, ready for the winter. One Service User said, “it’s great doing this garden project because I’m getting ideas for when I move on into my own flat.”

Another Service User has started volunteering at a local garden so that he can develop additional skills.

Yet another Service User who is very keen on Feng Shui, has incorporated that philosophy into the garden design to bring emotional health, happiness and wellbeing to all who use the garden.

As a member of staff stated: “It is getting colder and clocks have gone back but we have a spring in bloom to be looking forward to. Ultimately, that is what gardening is about: hope and renewal.”